A fire chief has put out an unusual memo to his department. He has formally banned the use of Minitor Pager alert sounds as cell phone ringtones. According to the memo anyone caught in violation will face progressive discipline, which could result in termination.

Minitor pager
“We got all these young bucks who think the page alert is a funny ringtone. Trouble is we got a number of older members who have medical conditions. Every time someone’s phone rings, they take off down the stairs to the apparatus bay. They are halfway to the truck before they realize it was a kids phone. Then back up the stairs they have to walk. I am going to have a member die of a dam heart attack due to a stinking text message here someday.”
Members for the department think the Chief is over reacting. None were willing to gone on record for fear of backlash form the Chief. One firefighter did say this as long as we did not name him.
“Seriously the chief is overstepping on this one. During drills and during meetings we have to turn our phones off. So this is only an issue after meeting when guys are stilling around watching TV and playing cards. In the past month it has happened all of one time. Yet this memo makes it sound like it happens multiple times ever Monday night.”
In the mean time firefighters will have to settle for ringtone like Squad 51’s page out or a Q siren.