Statter 911 is likely the largest Fire Porn blog on the Internet. Big Dave is now getting set to take on normal porn with a new, yet to be named blog.

Dave with some of the girls
Hours later Statter posted his reply. In his blog posting Dave called himself “the Larry Flint of fire porn”. Unknown to fans is that in just a few short weeks Statter will in fact be the Larry Flint of the fire service.
Sources tell us this new blog will feature photos and videos of professional models playacting as firefighters, along with professional firefighters creating armature materials. Our insider say the content submitted by firefighters he has seen is “smoking hot”.
The emphasis will be on the amateurs. But Dave needs to call in the professionals to make sure he has enough content at launch.
Many speculate that Statter “frenemie” Rhett Fleitz and his male model like 3% bodyfat physique will make many appearances on the site. Likewise people are tight lipped if the trademarked mustache of Willie Wines will show up also.
When reached, Statter would neither confirm nor deny his plans for a fire porn site but insisted if there was, Rhett Fleitz would not be involved. “Child porn is clearly illegal and it is not something we would ever be involved in”, Statter said.
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