Sick of hearing officer’s complain about being passed over for promotion Chief Chris Blair has created a new system for moving up the ranks. Inspired by video games the chief is moving to a system where officers “Level up” versus testing for promotion.

Level Up
“Under this system a hard working officer can move up the ranks and into specialized positions much faster. I no longer have to tell a dedicated cop ‘sorry you can’t be in that role because some lazy a-hole with more time on the job wants it and union rules say I have to give it to him’. Now I get to tell the lazy old guys they have not earned spots.”
The new system will be based on experience points. Each call for service or traffic stop the officer goes on will be worth points. Being assigned a case to investigate or some community project will be like taking on a quest. Completion of quests will have a base number of points associated, and bonus points can be awarded so desirable outcomes, such as a suspect conviction.
All officers start at level 1 and advance based on general experience up to a maximum of level 15.
Various calls for service and cases will also award skill points. Going to specialized training or seeking advanced degrees will also gain skill points.
For example if an officer wants to be on the SWAT team they will need advance to level 3, and also have accumulated enough tactical skill points.
Likewise if an officer wants to get into investigations they need a combination being at level 5 along with interview skill points, and physical evidence skill points.
“Young officers today have been playing video games so they understand advancement like this. They will latch on to this system and love it. We have it all mapped so if an officer wants a role they know the path needed to get to that role. Go getters will grind out the experience needed till they get their dream job.”
Senior union members are apposed to this new system. But younger officers, who out number the older union members, voted to approve this new system.