Today the Obama administration made an surprise announcement. All the free, or low cost, military equipment police received from the Department of Defense will be returned immediately.

A police MRAP
Over the past few years local police agencies have been able to get surplus military equipment such as armored vehicles, body armor, and rifles. Some items are outright given to agencies. Other items are purchased via grant funs, to make the items super cheap or technically free.
“Starting today all I am ordering the department of defense to repossess all the military items given or sold to police. It is obvious that cops don’t need armored personal carriers and can’t handle the responsibility of rifles.”
According to the White House these items were given to police to fight the War on Terror.
“We gave military hardware to police to go after the AlQaeda and ISIS cells we know are here in the US. But police chiefs have instead used it to harass peaceful protesters. So this abuse of military generosity ends today.”
The DOD will start to notify agency when the collection of their hardware will take place. It is expected that the White House wants all items reclaimed as soon as possible. Some insiders feel think the deadline to surrender equipment could be as early as October.
When asked what will happen is an agency refuses to return items the response was. “The items belong to the DOD. If the DOD needs to send in someone to take it back they will. I am sure some of the boys from Delta or the SEAL teams would be happy to play the role of repo men.”