Do a search for popular Halloween costumes and most lists will have “sexy cop” in the top five. Real police officers walking into any bar on Halloween will be approached by costumed cops who will offer to act as backup.

Two Sexy Cops out on Halloween
“Over the last few years people have been taking this too far. It use to be the sexy cop outfit was just a blue outfit, basically lingerie, with police written on it. Maybe screen printed badge at most. Today while still basically lingerie, they have fake badges and handcuffs.”
The chief went on to explain that people are becoming more emboldened when in these fake police uniforms. People in these police Halloween have tried to break up fights, causing them to get bigger. So-called sexy cops have also tried to make arrests of other Halloween revelers who break laws. Chief Monroe detailed one incident from last year.
“At one popular local bar there was a small group of women, all dressed as sexy police and sexy firefighters. Then the ex-boyfriend of one came in, and there is a restraining order out against him. The group of girls was out with their current boyfriends. So a few sexy cop ladies go up to this guy and tell him he has to leave. He lips off, and then their boyfriends go to forcibly remove him from the bar. A fight starts in the street. Other drunken sexy cops from other bars run out and try to break up the fight. By the time my officers got on scene there were at least ten fake police trying to handle this situation.”
Chief Monroe explained that it was utter chaos. The combination of alcohol consumption and so many people in blue, people in the crowd were mistakenly thinking real cops were civilians. Multiple people charged with Battery to an Officer, had the charges dismissed because defense attorneys made compelling arguments for misidentification issues.
“I had an officer with a broken nose, and another who needed stitches to her face when a beer bottle was broken over her head. Both suspects had their charges reduced from felony battery to an officer to a municipal disorderly conduct citation. I had two officers off work due to their injuries. Those asshole should have sat time in prison, but all they get is a slap on the wrist fine.”
In closing the Chief Monroe wants to make sure people know she is no prude. “This has nothing to do with the outfits being called sexy police. This is all about officer safety. I will not allow my officers to get attacked again and have the suspects get off on technicalities. People are still free to be a sexy nurse, sexy firefighter, sexy zombie, or any other non-police profession than can be made sexy.”