Black Friday doorbuster deal at gun store most peaceful doorbuster mob ever

Firearms store franchise Ammu-Nation locations across the country held the most peaceful doorbuster deals of the year. Ammu-Nation was offering a free bundle consisting of an Acog scope, Galati soft case, and ten boxes of ammo for the first ten people to buy an AR-15 on Black Friday.


A black Friday mob

In addition to the AR-15 deal Ammu-Nation had a number of other Black Friday specials. There were also limited edition handguns, deals on various accessories and loads of free t-shirts. But it was that AR-15 bundle that got most people to show up at their local location.

The crowds of people filling up the Ammu-Nation parking lots alarmed police in multiple cities at first. More than one officer told us off the record they feared responding to a shooting once the stores opened.

But by the time the doors did open the crowds of people had already organized into efficient lines, waiting to walk in. Which is what happened. Like an assembly line people walked in, told the clerk what they wanted, got paperwork filled out, paid and walked out. No pushing, no name calling, and not one hint of violence.

We talked to one customer, Ron Jakowski, who was lucky enough to get the AR-15 bundle. “What can I say? I was here early so I figured I was getting this bundle. I will admit there was a little fear someone would try to intimidate me to cut in line. So I did carry a pistol on my belt. Looking at all the people I noticed a lot of people had pistols concealed. No way I would want to start something here knowing it would turn into a bloodbath.”

Many other customers echoed Jakowski’s comments. Most people talked about knowing someone in the crowd who always carries concealed, or assuming people at a gun shop love guns enough to have a conceal carry permit. It appears that what the police feared was also what the people in the crowd feared.

Much like in the “Cold War”, the concept of mutually assured destruction kept the peace.

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The staff at the CallTheCops are all people who now or at one time did work as police, firefighters, in EMS and even dispatch.