The sheriff of Chippewa county reports that his agency has been flooded with emails from what he calls “d-list” celebrities calling for a change to his deputy’s shoulder patches.

Chippewa Falls Patch
“Over the weekend some sports caster got all high and mighty about the Football team name ‘Redskins’. Video of that rant has gone viral. So I guess some pseudo celebrities think that making a similar beef will up their ranking somehow.”
The sheriff was not willing to name names at this time due to not wanting to give free press to d-list personalities. The sheriff told me that basically all of these people were folks who got kicked off reality TV shows.
He was then kind enough to take me for a ride around his beautiful county. During our drive the sheriff pointed out to me all the business in the Chippewa river valley that use the image of a Chippewa Indian. From the local beer brewery, to the bowling alley and many locally owned shops.
“Obviously by the number of area businesses using the image, our local tribes do not find this offensive. But these no talent losers clinging to the last of their fifteen minutes of fame are hoping to ride the coat tails of this NFL crap. I bet you one of these losers will be posting up an YouTube video or tweeting something here soon hoping for it to go viral also.”