Police officers and Firefighter in Gilbertville were handed down a new ultimatum today, get off all social media outlets. Dumbfounded city workers are shocked and trying to figure out what to do next.

Fire & Police Facebook
According to the memo that came with the policy this policy is due to a never ending number of violations of the past policy. In past policy employees were limited on what they could and could not post. Employees in the past had used fake names to post items or started pages and posted items anonymously.
This new policy covers any attempt to loophole the policy. Persons found with social media accounts will be suspended for 60 then 90 days and then on the third offense terminated.
Department administration tells CallTheCops both police and fire employee have posted photos that violate HIPAA and made disparaging comments about co-workers online. The only way to stop this childish behavior is to end all use of social media.
Union officials say they will fight this.