Fire Service blogger Andrew Catron recently pointed out how the cold water challenge was obsolete due to the onset of summer. According to Catron people are looking forward to the cold-water challenge to escape the hot weather. As such he has dropped the gauntlet on doing a pepper spray challenge.

Police OC Spray
Rhett from the Fire Critic did a full story about the history of this cold-water challenge.
So now that in the summer temperature doing a cold water plunge seems useless the Pepper Spray Challenge has become the charitable call out. Firefighters are daring each other to take a hit from what cops like to call “Attitude Marinade Sauce.”
Because this challenge requires someone to spray the nominee, cops all around are volunteering to help their firefighter brothers. As firefighters get nominate their buddies to get marinated in OC spray, police officers are offering to do the spraying.
Both police and fire chief’s have expressed reservations about the safety of this challenge. But because everyone is doing it during off duty hours these concerns are falling on deaf ears.
Firefighter Catron tells us. “I made the comment about pepper spray as a joke. I had not clue the power of my influence over the fire service. Rumor has it that over 60 firefighters have been nominated thus far. I don’t know how many have accepted the challenge but it sounds like a lot of them have.”