A group of three firefighters came up with a plan to trade shifts to allow each to get an amazing amount of off time. But for one of the group his dream has turned to a nightmare, because he will not see much of his off time.

Shift rotations
For two of the firefighters it would allow them to have two years off in a row, while one firefighter gets one year off, works a year, then gets a second year off.
Jesse’s coworkers Dan Tanner and Joseph Gladstone jumped at the chance to do this idea. Joseph being the most junior member of the crew was stuck with the spot of getting his two years off broken in to two different one year segments.
Because he thought of the idea Jesse elected to take the first two year vacation. Meaning Dan worked the first year and Joe gets that first year off also. They started this rotation in July, so the year runs July to July.
At the end of the first year Dan started his two-year vacation, and Joe returned to working.
Recently both Jesse and Dan sent word back that they will not be returning home. The two firefighters decided to take a yearlong trip around the world. They made a stop at Pitcairn Island in the South Pacific, and ending up electing to join this colony. Their skills as paramedics have made them invaluable to the local population.
Meaning once Joe finishes working his year solid, next week; there is no one to cover his shifts for his second off year. The fire chief and the mayor both claim they did not sign off on this agreement. There is nothing in writing showing this shift change is official. The department has a history of people doing shift exchanges informally via a handshake with nothing in writing.
The union has said they will fight for Joseph, but it could take months for a decision to be made. Meaning for he will need to cover all the shifts he is scheduled for.
Phone calls and emails requesting official comments have not been answered.