Officer Gabe Subry was dismissed from the Abbott police department after it was found he was doing gym business on duty time. The former officer owns Crossfit Lustitia and allegedly was planning workouts on duty.
The officer who was told when he started his gym that he could not do any gym business on-duty was caught doing just that. Disciplinary papers claim he was plotting out WODs (Work out Of the Day) while running RADAR.
Officer Subry claims his actions were no worse than what other cops are doing on duty. “I do fitness training for both members of my gym and also for officers at my department. So when I am planning WODs I am thinking of both workouts at my gym and for co-workers. Yet most of the guys I work with are watching videos on Netflix non-stop online”.
The Abbott police chief would not go on record with us.
City of Abbott Information Technology director Steven Price did confirm that Police department MDC (Mobile Data Computers) do seem to access Netflix for hours at a time.
“How is it so bad other cops can entertain themselves endlessly but I am not allowed to better them? The WODs I plan workouts for both my gym and also for officers needing to get back in shape. My Captain asked me to get a few people in shape, how can they now say by doings so I am in violation of some policy?”
Again the chief would not comment, but adamant he made the right decision in firing former officer Subry.