Officer Mary Lacy got a call at 5am. She was being ordered in due to a day shift officer getting food poisoning yesterday. Her husband Harvey is furious his mother’s day plans are ruined.
“This is an outrage. She is a mother and should be allowed the day off. My wife bid a rotation that got this day off. The department needs to honor that. If they can’t why even have seniority and bid out shifts months in advance.”The husband has been on the phone all morning but to no avail. Sources tell CallTheCops he has called the mayor, their state legislators, and members of congress. Being a Sunday, and a holiday, all he is getting to talk to is answering service call centers.
“I am the man of this house. My income keeps this house in the life style we enjoy. She could quit to day and it would not affect us. I don’t even know why she works anymore. This might be the last straw, I am going to order he to come be a stay at home mom.”
Family sources tell CallTheCops Harvey has tried to put his foot down before. He might make six figures and have an important job, she though wears the pants in that household.
CallTheCops wants to wish all the mothers HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!