Judge Franklin of the Jefferson county court has made an unusual ruling in his traffic court. After dealing with a contemptuous blogger who is adamantly anti police, the judge decided to re-educate the man on how government works. Kurt Delie was sentenced to go back to high school and take government class.
Transcripts from the session give an account of the tirade that Delie went on.
“Your honor this is a travesty of justice. I did not have a crash, I did not cause harm to a child. My speeding had no ill effect on society. This is nothing more than revenue generation by the city. The cops want to bring in some cash so they put up random lower speed sighs just to trap drivers into a trumped up speeding ticket.”
The judge responded to that claim.
“Sir I am not sure where you got that information from but speed limits are not set by the police. Speed limits are a function of laws enacted by the legislative body. Often times the legislation is a factor of what traffic engineers and civil engineers tell the lawmakers. These speeds are set for safety, decided after traffic studies and testing on what speeds and average reaction times…”
Before the judge could finish that sentence Delie interrupted.
“Keep giving the sheeple answer judge. There are not traffic engineers setting speeds. Cops make the rules, the United States has become a police state and you are just a puppet of that.”
From this point on the transcripts read as just a simple argument between two people. The argument becoming more and more heated until the judge ends it. Once the judge realized he had lost control he made his judgment.
“You don’t get the idea of checks and balances. That is freshmen government martial. As such you need reeducation in how laws get made, who enforces them and who then interprets them…” At this point the judge was interrupted again, and sheriff’s deputies had to be called in to take custody of the defendant.
Local high schools are arguing as to who will be stuck with this new freshmen.