A volunteer at a combination department had her word shaken today. EMT Janice Smith was appalled to learn that career EMT’s and paramedics work at multiple stations to make ends meet.
Mrs. Smith told Call the Cops, “Well I was bringing in a patient to the local hospital when I saw a career member at my station getting out of another companies Ambulance. He is a full-time employee for our company I just don’t get it”.
Her partner that day, who is also a career paramedic at 3 companies around that county told us, “I was surprised she didn’t know that. I mean she’s been involved in EMS for almost 2 years now. I just assumed she would know that after hearing everyone complain day in and day out”
Mrs. Smith went on to tell Call the Cops that she finds it very strange that people must work at 2 or 3 stations to make a decent living. EMT Smith has been an 11th grade math teacher for the past 25 years and runs 3 shifts a month in order to get out of the house. “I can only grade tests and homework papers for so long before I go insane. I have to get out of the house sometime and I thought what better thing to do than help out my neighbors!” Mrs. Smith went on to compare the fact that working multiple jobs is something a high school drop- out would be doing. “I have never heard of grown adults having to work so many jobs. That seems like something the students who drop out of my class end up doing.”
At the end of our conversation EMT Smith said she was excited to see who else she knows from other companies when she comes in for her next shift in a few weeks.