Every city has the chronic 911 caller. It’s nothing new to abuse an Ambulance service whether it be paid,or volunteers. Bogus caller say everything such as “I’m hungry”, “no one else will give me a ride home”, “I’m out of vodka”.
In Yonkers an Ambulance Abuser at a local casino call 911 for EMS weekly when they spend all of the money put aside for cab fare on the Slots. Then upon arrival at the ER they would walk refuse entrance to the hospital and walk away. A crew found out he lived a block from the ER. They call this the “no way home stroke”.In NY the abuse is so rampant that callers often call 911 from The Emergency Room Waiting areas when they feel they have waited too long to see the Doctor for minor problems. One caller complained about having to wait 1 hour to have his stitches removed from a old wound while the Hospital tended to victims of a drive-by. As the seven people brought after getting shot, he picked up the phone and called for an Ambulance to take him to a different E.R. so he would not have to wait. This scenario plays out all across the country.
Other states are taking a stance to stop 911 abuse by giving fines and arresting abusers. It takes the Ambulance and other First responders away from the emergencies, cited one judge. Other states expect New York.
New York is now rewarding abusers with dinners, free theater tickets, Pre paid Visa Cards and for a select few that call more than 500 times a year a free weekend to Atlantic City Trump Resort. One confidential source close to this program had this to say
“The amount of money we collect from Medicaid for transporting these so-called 911 abusers allows us to purchase newer and better equipment. We have top of line Emergency vehicles and pay of our first responders better than most”.
Even more shocking is the fact that a new plan will be put in place in July 2014.
As Always Brothers and sister, stay safe and get home safe at the end of your tours!