For months NY’s Medics and Firefighters have complained about drug shortages. Always just enough to get though the day, they would come close to running out weekly. It seemed just in the nick of time we would get restocked. Well, no more!
NY is now training its medics and Firefighters who also respond to 911 calls in controversial new remedies it will allow them to carry. Some are calling it a way for the city to cut down on cost.For Example glucose (a form of sugar for diabetics) is being replaced by containers of Orange juice. University study’s show OJ has the same effect and works in the same amount of time as Glucose. Plus it cost $2 dollars per gallon of OJ, compared to the $45.60 per tube of glucose.
Next on the list is Narcan, or naloxone, which undoes the effects of harmful heroin or other narcotics containing opiates. EMTs and paramedic will now carry cocaine. Yep, you read that right good old fashion nose candy. Cocaine actually is a natural heroin anti-dote. Heroin is a downer while cocaine is a major stimulant. Plus again, cocaine can be supplied from police evidence lockup so it is free, unlike then the pharmacy ourchased narcan.
Anxiety attacks victims that call 911 will no longer get Valium or Xanax, now city medics will carry vodka. College research Study’s again show the vodka works just the same and only take 5 minutes longer to work. Plus again a pill of Xanax is 9 dollars and a pill of valium is 6.50 compared to the 9 oz bottle of vodka that runs 3.00 dollars even.
Albuterol is used for asthma patients, it mainly functions as a bronchodilator. Meaning it helps open the airway. The same way ben-gay when placed under the nose works. First used by Police officers in Brooklyn in the 1970’s when they had to sit with a deceased subject the ben-gay would help cover up the smell of the Rotting flesh, it was also found to help open up the airway. Asthmatic cops were cured on contact. Now city Medics will carry it instead of Albuterol plus guess what, yep its cheaper!
This new cost saving adventure doesn’t only affect drugs. City Medics and Firefighters will now have access to washable/reusable latex gloves in a cost cutting move. Suction unit canisters will now longer be thrown out as a single use item. Yep, medics and Firefighter go get some soap, a little bleach and wash them out then place them back in service.
Even engine oil from the Fire trucks and ambulances will be reused to save money. Now when a First responder has to drop a tube down the throat the used and clean, recycled engine oil will be used as a lubricant. Foreign Object stuck in the rectum that’s right, have your partner go get some recycled Engine oil from the rig.
There are hundreds of more things the city plans on using to save money, but these are just a few of the first steps to take affect soon. With all the money being save the city is in talks to substantially raise the pay for its First responders. Ok, that last sentence was just wishful thinking… We will have to wait and see but maybe we might get a raise…
As always brothers and sisters, stay safe and what only matters is that you make it home at the end of your shift safely!