Paramedic Suspended for Refusing Overtime

Union officials state a paramedic at Los Angeles’ F & B Ambulance service was suspended without pay yesterday for refusing a mandatory overtime shift.

Company officials state the paramedic, Aaron Doral, was ordered to work an overtime shift and refused to acknowledge the order or to report to duty at the scheduled time.

F & B Ambulance states they have in place a policy for which employees may be mandated to work shifts for which they are not scheduled, or to be held over on shifts they are currently working if the staffing levels fall below minimum standards.

Officials state “We notified Paramedic Doral well in advance of the shift by multiple methods. He did not respond, nor did he show up as ordered”.

Doral told union officials that F & B sent him both text and Facebook messages ordering him to come to work the following day, however he states that he was performing duty at his volunteer fire company and did not check his phone or Facebook until a full day later. “They apparently tried to contact me on my day off. I don’t keep my phone turned on when I’m not working. I didn’t refuse to work, I didn’t know they wanted me to” stated Doral.

F & B managers stated “Whether or not Paramedic Doral had his phone on is irrelevant. Our policy, a policy he signed off on, clearly states that employees are responsible to cover all scheduled and mandated shifts. He should have been more responsible in checking his messages”.

Paramedic Doral stated “I’m not the first person they’ve suspended for something like this, but dammit to hell, I’m going to be the last!”. Doral refused to elaborate on this statement.

About Zod

Mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper. Fights a never-ending battle for half-truths, disinformation and agitating the dimwitted. Find what I write distasteful? Then get better taste. And remember, it isn't a lie if you believe it.