The citizens of Montreal were startled to see Black Fire apparatus rolling down their streets this week. When a few photos made it onto social media Conspiracy Theorists went nuts.
Read More »Police officer admits to volunteering for Thanksgiving overtime to avoid the in-laws
Officer Steve Johnson has been accused of a horrible offense. No Officer Johnson did not break the law, he used an overtime shift to get out of going to spend the weekend with his wife’s family.
Read More »NFPA Fast tracking bullet proof Turnout Gear standards
For years now the NFPA has been talking about mandating that all firefighter turnout gear also have bullet proof properties. Given the events of the past few weeks the NFPA is fast tracking this new policy.
Read More »Community upset by Fire department use of Assault Impact Tools
Firefighter Pete Lattimer is somewhat of an inventor. Recently he made some modifications to an impact tool that have caused members of his community to lose faith in their fire department.
Read More »Police officer fired in the aftermath caused by botched Vasectomy
Officer Matt Vena from the Globus police department was terminated earlier this week after a culmination of events that started with his vasectomy. The termination resulted from Officer Vena trying to provide proof his surgery had resulted in negative side effects.
Read More »New FEMA/USFA Consensus Standard of Firefighter Rapid Intervention Terminology
As many of you know the USFA and FEMA are under executive order to standardize all terminology used in NIMS. Rapid Intervention Teams (RIT) Rapid Intervention Crews (RIC) and Firefighter Assistance and Search Teams (FAST) all describe the same function and therefor have been called upon to be brought under standard terminology.
Read More »Top Five mistakes made by rookie EMTs
Being a new EMT is a fun and exciting time. But keep in mind the older more senior EMTs and Paramedics you work with need to respect you. Here are some issues we identified that we would like to see ...
Read More »City orders all Police and Fire employees to delete social media profiles immediately
Police officers and Firefighter in Gilbertville were handed down a new ultimatum today, get off all social media outlets. Dumbfounded city workers are shocked and trying to figure out what to do next.
Read More »Apple pay comes to a traffic stop near you
Today marks the launch of Apple Pay and the Norland police are on the cutting edge with this technology.
Read More »Inmates file lawsuit over lack of pumpkin spiced options in jail
Inmates at the Orange County jail are upset by the lack of access to seasonal flavors. The current issue at hand is lack of pumpkin spice coffee drinks.
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