According to state law each year police officers are to shoot a qualification course to keep their certification. But due to a shortage of ammo some officers have now gone over a year with out shooting the qualification course.

Ammo shotrage
“I ordered ammo sixteen months ago and it is still on backorder. The manufacture told me last week I was looking at about four to six months yet before it would be delivered. That is too long. My officers are down to the ammo on their belts. Heck I got a few guys who have had to shoot deer after a car crash that are actually walking around a bullet short.”
State guidelines indicate that an officer must qualify with their duty sidearm using the ammo they carry on duty. Wad cutters, re-loads and any other low cost ammo is not allowed for qualification courses.
“Yeah my officers can get some cheap ammo to go practice shooting. But we can’t go run the state qualification course. I even begged to borrow some rounds from the sheriff, but he is in the same spot. His deputies will not be decertified till November, and he was told his order will be in sometime in late August.”
Mayor Larson is not sympathetic to the department or the officers.
“I think the chief waited to long to make a ammo order. Now his officers will pay the price. I have been talking to the city counsel. We actually think this is a blessing in disguise. Why have a full time police force. The Sheriff’s department can provide us coverage, which will ease up the tax burden on the population here.”
Chief Stevens has not given up yet. He has been making calls to everyone he can think of looking to get a few boxes of duty ammo. The chief has made it known to the rank and file he will do everything in his power to make sure they don’t lose their jobs.
At the time of this publishing state auditors had not returned our calls or emails for comment.